11 janvier 2013


Paris délavé. Pari gagné. La couleur a disparu de notre horizon ces derniers temps. Pas une once de couleurs. Je ne parle même pas d'une pointe de bleu grand dieu. Paris n'est plus que blanc et noir.

It's like Paris as been washed-out lately. Where all the colors have gone? I know Paris can sometimes be grey but it's totally turning black and white now. I mean that's a color film, do you see an inch of a color except those beautiful shades of grey.

5 commentaires:

  1. That's funny. Berlin was turning grayer and grayer aswell. BUT today we had some sunshine and I saw some green leaves and pink berrys. More beautiful than ever!

  2. WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share and Great post,I really like your article and nice pic

  3. Thankfully Paris is beautiful in color AND in b&W. Gorgeous pics!

  4. C'est ce qui m'a sauté aux yeux en revenant d'Oslo pour Noel, je me suis aperçue à quel point Paris est gris ! J'aime particulièrement la deuxième photo !
