8 juillet 2013

So far, summer

Encore à Paris pour quelques semaines, je profite des joies de la vie parisienne. Moi qui était en vadrouille à droite à gauche ces derniers temps, je ne vous cache pas mon plaisir. J'aime Paris en juillet. Le rythme ralentit, le soleil est là... on sent les vacances approcher. On prépare mentalement sa valise (3 maillots de bain, un chapeau et quelques livres) et puis on en profite pour:
#1. Assister au pré-vernissage d'un super endroit qui ne tardera pas à ouvrir ces portes, la Library of Arts
#2. boire des bières (sans alcool, ok) 
#3. voir mon ventre s'arrondir
#4. Se régaler d'un cake à la pomme et au sirop d'érable chez Marcovaldo
#5. Flâner dans Paris, tout simplement. Prendre le soleil. Tester des pelloches
#6. Voir apparaître les premiers signes du 14 juillet

Still in Paris for a few weeks, i'm kind of enjoying being there as i've been running all the past few weeks, working on the two upcoming books. I like Paris in July. It's slowing down, the sun is here and holidays are gently coming and i'm mentally already packing my stuff, while enjoying a few great things such as:
#1. going to the pre-opening of a great bookstore/gallery that will soon open in Paris, the Library of Arts
#2. drinking beers (alcool free for me of course) 
#3. seing my 6-months belly changing everyday
#4. enjoying a delicious apple cake with maple sirop at Marcovaldo
#5. walking and walking. I never walked that much. Taking the sun, trying some films, shooting some pictures. Enjoying summer.
#6. discovering the first signs of the 14th of July celebrations

4 commentaires:

  1. I'm so happy you commented at my blog and by this way i discovered yours

    great texture in this,love every photo :)

  2. i love the tablecloth under that apple cake! and the last photo, with the shades <3

  3. Love these so much, they make me want to come to Paris. I love the grain in the photos

  4. Hello Alex and thank you for stopping by my blog!
    I'm glad you did so, as I got the chance to find yours!
    I have a feeling I'm going to like your posts a lot!
